Our business

SeQureNet brings to the market products relying on continuous variable quantum key distribution (CVQKD) in order to provide high security assurances for network services and practical applications.

SeQureNet is a start-up company and a spin-off from the quantum information team of Telecom ParisTech. Its team is able to tackle both technical and management challenges, and is helped by a board of advisors composed of renowned specialists in their field. The domains of expertise of SeQureNet are continuous variable quantum key distribution, cryptography and network security. CVQKD is a quantum key distribution technique with standard implementation requirements when compared to photon-counting techniques, and excellent security assurances thanks to unconditional security proofs.

Building on the work done on continuous variables prototypes during SECOQC and SEQURE research projects, SeQureNet brings CVQKD to the market through software and hardware products and services. These are aimed both at the academic and the IT security usage; complete systems as well as building blocks for reseachers devising their own experiments are available.

SeQureNet is maintaining close collaborations with leading academic and industrial research institutions, by actively participating to several R&D programs on QKD, positionned at the top international level. It published several articles in peer-reviewed journals regarding CVKQD performance and security.